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Collaborative projects: Ariane Littman & Reuven Zahavi

Video, interactive and multidisciplinary projects

2009: “The Age of a Different Re-Action”, Davide Gallo  Gallery, Berlin, Germany

2008  “Nocturnal Stillness”, New Gallery, Teddy Stadium, Jerusalem

“Smoking Utopia”, video installation, Artists’ Residence, Herzliya

2007   “Smoking Utopia”, video installation He’ara 11, Multi-disciplinary Art Event, Jerusalem,  He’ara 10, Science Museum, Jerusalem

Disengagement, Tel Aviv Art Museum


"During the summer of 2005, with the process of disengagement in the background, which Ariane Littman was photographing in the Gaza strip, a conversation began between us that very quickly led to a collaboration on a multidisciplinary project. Emerging from questions about the presentation of photographs that directly touch on current events, but are foreign to press photography, joint projects began to be constructed. We always discussed the concept together. The materials, mostly photographic, came from Littman’s photographs, this gave me complete freedom to treat them with a variety of tools and digital programs. The results quickly accumulated in a collection of mostly digital works, screen, projection and sound work, and often interactive creations. The first series we created, Donald Duck’s Dream, dealt directly with the subject of the disengagement, with a focus on how the media treated the events, an attempt to analyze, disassemble and process from the ground up the political umbrella and to use it to build something new. The series was shown at the Science Museum in the""framework of (note 10) 15 computer stations and later in an exhibit that was devoted to the disengagement at the Tel Aviv Museum. As time went on, while each of us was doing independent work, our artistic collaboration persisted and expanded around projects that we continued to plan, to produce and exhibit, the joint creations were exhibited alongside independent works. Among the joint creations: A project that deals with smoke as an image that characterizes the reality of Israeli current events: Smoking Utopia. The project began in an exhibit (note 11) as a video Installation that included a screened video with sound (Just Smoke), a light creation, interactive screens, text from announcements of the IDF spokesman and the use of a smoke machine. "▶ The joint project was developed and expanded in another exhibit in the Artists’ House in Herzelia. New digital and interactive works were exhibited there (Swing, Hostile Village, Dead End, Sky…) alongside photographic prints by Littman (Born to Be Free) and digital prints (Hot House Series) from my three dimensional files. In addition the video work Kissufim Maze was exhibited. A work of motion in a virtual environment created by three dimensional imaging inspired by photographs of concrete barricades that the IDF removed in Kissufim photographed by Littman in 2005. This work was exhibited again in Berlin in 2008 in the Gallo Gallery in the framework of an exhibit that dealt with Middle Eastern art. Kissufim is a joint project that was shown in the Teddy Gallery in Jerusalem and was accompanied by a catalogue and text by Dana Arieli Horowitz. A large series of night photographs by Littman and digital landscapes by Zahavi in print and three dimensional animations, along with interactive screening creations (Washing)""and my video Gaza Mon Amor were integrated in the exhibit around the subject of darkness. The last project was in the framework of Manofim in which we curated the exhibit Grasped together with additional artists. In the exhibit there were pavilions in the image of outposts. Littman exhibited an Installation project: Injured Land and in the neighboring pavilion Zahavi exhibited an imaging creation on a screen shown through a keyhole installed in the side of the pavilion: Trapped Eye. Ariane Littman & Reuven Zahavi, 2005"
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